Sunday, October 23, 2011

Confessions of a Bike Commuter

A customer from Los Angeles called me the other day, "Rusty, I'm going to buy you a bike helmet!"  Well, I have a helmet, but thanks.  Apparently a colleague mentioned to this customer that I bike to work.  "Are you serious?  How can that be?"  Customer was beside himself.  This is a guy who wakes at 3 AM to make it to work by 8:30.  Biking?  Inconceivable!

I confess, I am a bike commuter.

Since my son first started day care, I've taken him in the morning, and my wife has picked him up in the afternoon.  This year, he started at our neighborhood school. For years we told him that he would walk to the big kid school one day, and that day arrived this August.  He loves the walk, and it was just the excuse I needed to try bike commuting.  I've been biking like a fiend for over a year, I took the 2 mile pledge, and here was my chance to more fully integrate the bike into my daily schedule.

Back to my LA customer. He asked:
-How far?
Depends.  Straight shot in a car is about 2 miles, but I take alternate routes to avoid high traffic and hills.  The most direct route I bike is 3.5 miles, but I'm developing an addiction to West End Coffee from the Swamp Rabbit Cafe, and with that detour, it brings my commute to 6 miles.  With the coffee stop, that's still only 40 minutes at a very comfortable pace
-Do you break a sweat?
Yes I do. August and September especially, but after a couple of months, I've developed some tricks.  I bike in a wicking shirt and carry a change in my saddle bag.  I've also stashed a couple of extra shirts and pairs of socks in my office.  Tender Fresh Bath Wipes are a giant wet wipe designed for camping, and they work incredibly well.  I order from Amazon and have them shipped directly to the office.
-Is it safe?
I hope so. Biking infrastructure in Greenville is respectable and getting better. There are some streets I avoid because of high speeds and traffic volume, but I do have access to wide neighborhood roads, a dedicated trail (the incredible Swamp Rabbit Trail,) and bike lanes. I have both tail mounted and front mounted safety lights plus a safety vest and reflective ankle strips.
-What about lunch?
My saddle bag has room for a lunchbox, but I also take advantage of numerous restaurants within walking distance.
-Why Bike Commute?
Biking has just become a bigger part of my life, and I enjoy riding whenever I can.  Sure I'll save money on car expenses, and I'll improve my health, but those are incidental benefits as opposed to motivation. I do love spending a few minutes chatting with neighbors on the way to school as opposed to just the courtesy wave from a passing car. I feel more connected to the neighborhood - you just experience things more deeply walking or biking as opposed to speeding in a car from point A to B.

Sounds easy, right?  In some ways it is, but I'm fortunate to live close to work and biking facilities.  I love my morning ride and feel a little grumpy those days I take the car.  It's certainly not for everyone, but if you're even remotely thinking about it, give it a shot.  Make it a special one day treat and just see what happens.

And if you're read this far, I owe you my deepest confession: The hardest part is stopping at work!

Hope to see you out there!

Packed and Ready

2 Mile Challenge

Trek's 1 World, 2 Wheels

The Swamp Rabbit Trail

Swamp Rabbit Cafe & Grocery

Bikeville - Cycling in Greenville,SC

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