Wednesday, November 27, 2013


A cold front moved into Greenville Saturday night, and it was 33 when I left the house this morning.  A light rain starting falling soon thereafter.  I'm prepared for the weather and actually enjoy the cold mornings rides, but a couple of miles later, my back tire went flat.  I was just behind the train station, only a mile from my office.  I forgo the tire repair and finished my commute by foot.  Then the sleet started.  The mile from the train station to my office is literally and figuratively the other side of the tracks.  There's two liquor stores, the post office, lower income residences, and a men's shelter.  So I had to walk to work, but my wool socks were dry and feet toasty, my rain coat did it's job, my layers held back the cold, and that warm thermos of coffee steamed in my hands.  But I passed about 10 men along the way, huddled in trash bags to stay try, gathered under awnings shivering in the cold.  Others still  lay sleeping on the edges of abandoned buildings, a few lucky enough to find an old porch.

So I sit in front of my computer typing up this note, sipping on my coffee.  Next step is to write a check to Triune Mercy Center where one can access drug counselling, heating assistance, warm clothes, or a solid meal.  I'll continue to support Habitat For Humanity in it's mission to work with families to build homes and provide stable, safe shelter for their families.  And most importantly, I will daily offer my thanks to God for His many blessings, and I will pray for guidance for the best way to leverage my gifts to help my brothers.

Happy Thanksgiving

Tirune Mercy Center
Video About Triune Mercy Center

Habitat of Greenville
Habitat For Humanity

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